Saturday, August 1, 2015

VSG Pre-op Health Update

I followed through with most of my plans from my last post. I have gotten back on track and have started eating high protein, low carb Atkins style again. I really just started yesterday, at the start of this work week. I will give myself time before weighing in.

The good news is that I haven't gained any weight. I haven't lost any either. I think part of the problem is that I eat dinner so late. I get home about 7 PM and we eat around 8-8:30 PM, sometimes 9 PM, if I have to cook. Then we go to sleep anywhere from 10 PM-12:30 AM. This doesn't give me (or my kids) much time to digest the food we just ate. This is a horrible schedule that leaves me tired which also isn't good for losing weight. I'm planning on leaving my job to complete my internships so this will be fixed in a couple of weeks.

I visited the emergency room this weekend. This constant nagging burning pain in my neck, chest, and underneath my left shoulder blade was getting to be unbearable. I woke up at 4:40 AM on Sunday and decided to take myself to the E.R. while everyone was sleeping. They did two blood draws, an EKG, hooked me up to a heart monitor the whole 5 hours I was there, and even took a series of chest x-rays.

The doctor said that my heart was the picture of health. My blood pressure was 123/68 which the nurse said is ideal. They even checked my lungs for a clot, nothing. My diagnosis is "chest pain non-specified". The doctor said that it sounds like it's referred pain in my shoulder blade and chest from my reflux/hiatal hernia/GERD. He called it something, but I don't remember what, something that sounded like a man's name.

To test his hypothesis they gave me a little drink that he called a "G.I. Cocktail". It was a mix of Maloxx, lidocane, and something else. The doctor said that they use this to rule out cardiac issues and confirm that the problem is G.I. related. Sure enough after a couple of minutes my intense "somebody shoot me" shoulder pain was much less intense.

It wasn't much that he gave me either, maybe 2-3oz. A little shot that left my tongue numb. This may sound crazy but I swear I felt the liquid run across my chest and to my shoulder as well as down my esophagus. (0_o) Hey, whatever works! I asked the nurse if I could buy some over the counter and he said no. I asked if I could get a Rx for this. I would be so much happier if I could take this magical little cocktail once or twice per day. He didn't really give me an answer.... It shall be mine!!

So that was my weekend last weekend. Fun stuff. My mom has been in the hospital for almost 2 weeks but I will talk about that next time. Today, is going to be filled with back to school shopping for my boys and grocery shopping.

My Goals This Week:
Continue Atkins eating plan ( >25g carbs/day)
Avoid chocolate candy (I had 3 candy bars this week...on different days)
Avoid stress
Eat dinner before 8PM
Get some sleep
Give notice at my job, (ask for letter of recommendation?)
Meet with internship site supervisor Thursday
Start looking for a part-time job ;-)
Register my kids for school

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